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SATHS is now a registered Social Enterprise! 

Being a registered social enterprise means that we are dedicated to improving our communities through what we do.


(1) Our mission is to try to improve the emotional and social well-being of participants.


(2) We reinvest the majority of our profits back into the projects we run for the community.

(3) We aim to integrate people into society. This means that people who do not have a lived in experience of mental health can join in also. 


NEWS from 2017

SATHS will be working with the NCS over the summer 2017. NCS stands for the National Citizens Service. NCS, The Challenge, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for 15-17 year olds. NCS helps build skills for work and life whilst taking on new challenges and meeting new friends. NCS is a government-funded initiative that supports community engagement, social action and social mixing among young people.


The NCS - SATHS Summer 2017 collaboration was a huge success! We worked with young people from London to produce SATHS style workshops at St George's Hospital in Tooting. The young people raised funds for SATHS, which have gone towards a new website and more workshops for 2018. Stay tuned!

SATHS earlier on in the year also received funds from AVIVA's Community fund, where the money has been contributed towards the new interactive site.

Our social enterprise has made great steps into getting people into work through the experience gained on our volunteering scheme. If you would like to volunteer for SATHS, please drop us an email.

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